
  • 冒险 真人秀
  • 共12集  |  每集 43分钟
  • This year’s race will be longer, toug…This year’s race will be longer, tougher and even more challenging as teams vie for the $250,000 prize. Teams will travel more than 65,000 kilometres across 4 continents. The route includes a mix of iconic sites and some very surprising destinations never before seen on any version of the Race.A truly diverse group of Aussie racers will circumnavigate the globe, unsure of what challenges lie ahead. The race will be fast-paced, unrelenting, and test their stamina and personal relationships.This year The Amazing Race Australia features several Race firsts – including Must Vote U-Turns and a controversial new Salvage Pass that promises to shake up the first leg of the Race.


  • 更新至08集
  • 更新至8集
  • 更新至77集
  • 更新至07集
  • 第7集
  • 第5集
  • 第20集完结
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电视剧 《极速前进:澳洲版第二季》剧情介绍

《极速前进:澳洲版第二季》主演:的电视剧 该剧剧情: This year’s race will be longer, tougher and even more challenging as teams vie for the $250,000 prize. Teams will travel more than 65,000 kilometres across 4 continents. The route includes a mix of iconic sites and some very surprising destinations never before seen on any version of the Race.A truly diverse group of Aussie racers will circumnavigate the globe, unsure of what challenges lie ahead. The race will be fast-paced, unrelenting, and test their stamina and personal relationships.This year The Amazing Race Australia features several Race firsts – including Must Vote U-Turns and a controversial new Salvage Pass that promises to shake up the first leg of the Race.青苹果影院海外剧栏目为您提供《极速前进:澳洲版第二季》免费在线观看,及播出时间。喜欢的话,不要忘记分享给好友哦!


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