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电影 《弄巧成拙》剧情介绍

《弄巧成拙》主演:肖恩·杨 尤金·列维 斯碧尔·谢波德 乔治·汉密尔顿 吉安卡罗·吉安尼尼 奥内拉·穆蒂 乔斯·雅克兰德 詹姆斯·贝鲁什 的电影 该剧剧情:   Phoebe and fellow American Julian Peters meet in Rome, find a lost dog, and agree to return it to Monte Carlo to split the five thousand dollar reward. Discovering the dogs owner dead, they panic and become fugitives. Other victims of misfortune also become suspects, as the plot twists and luck and judgment desert everyone.青苹果影院喜剧片栏目为您提供《弄巧成拙》免费在线观看,及播出时间。喜欢的话,不要忘记分享给好友哦!


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